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Ljubjlana University : fatigue characterisation

Contexte et objectifs
European university research laboratory specialising in fatigue, thermomechanical fatigue, fatigue life prediction methods, fatigue damage modelling of metallic and non-metallic materials.
It also develops statistical models and material models.
Ljubjlana University : fatigue characterisation
  • Improving understanding of fatigue deformation mechanics.
  • Deformations measurement in metallic materials (samples and structures).
  • Detection, monitoring and measurement of crack advance in fatigue.
  • Static and dynamic deformation test control.
  • Micron or lower accuracy in accordance with ISO9513 standard
  • Integration into existing systems: software-controlled MTS hydraulic machine
  • Data synchronisation: real-time communication of the deformations measured by video extensometer to machine software : TestSuite to enable user to have all  data perfectly synchronised in one software and to facilitate modulus calculations, Poisson's ratio, deformation at break and above all to regulate test according to material deformation... 
The FVX version XY and ACS solutions were used for these measurements.
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