Our Products
VideoTraction®: principle of operation….for static and dynamic tests
Systems in VideoTraction® range are based on real-time monitoring of elements of a part or sample. Monitoring these elements makes deformations, elongations and displacements measurement possible in different directions. Use of very high resolution cameras (up to 18Mpixels) and development of very high level algorithms improve measurement precision and make very small deformations or displacements measurement possible (a few microns).
On the other hand, VideoTraction® systems are particularly well suited for dynamic tests up to 40Hz (traction, fatigue, traction/torsion, etc.) by offering very high frame rate cameras (more than 1,000 fps in realtime ) thus allowing control of the strain rate test.
VideoTraction® systems are adaptable and already integrated into almost all traction machines on market and perfectly synchronized with the machine control software.