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Pipeline characterisation

Contexte et objectifs
This North American university research laboratory specialising in the mechanics of metallic materials wanted a multi-purpose system capable of determining macro-mechanical criteria under different stress conditions (tension/compression, creep, shear, fatigue) on samples, but also on structures.
Deformations measurement on metallic materials (samples and structures) to determine anisotropy coefficient and Young's modulus, measurement of several deformations simultaneously along different deformation paths on a structure (500 mm diameter pipeline) during a compression test.
  • Accuracy of the order of a micron or less according to ASTM83 standard
  • Measurement on structure: 500mm diameter pipeline
  • Integration with existing equipment: MTS 4-column hydraulic machine and Galdabini 150kN machine) and perfect synchronisation of data (force, deformation, elongation, crosshead)

The FVX XY and Custom strain systems can measure several strains at the same time.
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