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Aeronautics: tests on structures

Contexte et objectifs
A well-known player in the aerospace market, specialising in the manufacture of connecting rods and concerned about the quality and safety of its equipment, was looking for a solution to accurately measure the stiffness of connecting rods in precise, non-planar locations.
Non-contact measurement of deformation and elongation on large structures to determine Young's modulus and integration of the measured data into the calculation code.
  • Précision inférieure au micron selon norme ISO 9513
  • Mesure sur structure : bielles de 1 à 5m de longueur
  • Intégration à l’existant : machine Zwick, acquisition des données machine (force et allongement de la traverse) et suivi graphique de l’évolution de l’ensemble des données dans le logiciel VidéoTraction.
  • Sub-micron accuracy to ISO 9513 standard
  • Measurement on structure: connecting rods from 1 to 5m length
  • Integration with existing equipment: Zwick machine, data acquisition from machine (force and crosshead elongation) and graphical monitoring of all data in the VideoTraction software.
The FVX dual-camera version can be used to measure elongation on large parts.
Nos produits utiles à cette application
X and hourglass
 The aXial version of FVX products allows non-contact measurement in one direction (axial or transverse) of the (...)
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