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X and hourglass

The aXial version of FVX products allows non-contact measurement in one direction (axial or transverse) of the deformation, elongation or displacement of markers placed on the surface of a sample and/or a structure/ parts during mechanical stress. The Hourglass option allows you to measure a reduction in the diameter of an axisymmetric sample without prior marking of the sample.
It is therefore possible to calculate the Young's modulus with excellent precision until failure, for low and high speeds (500 mm/min and more).
The software measures deformation or elongation in real time and sends information to machine control software, which makes deformation regulation possible. The user also has the possibility of retrieving, via an analog or digital signal, the force and position of the machine crosshead and of graphically plotting the deformation/force/position curves, etc. It is also possible to save images, videos and data in a .csv or .dat file to be able to process the data later.


Advantage :

  • Speed in setting up and carrying out tests
  • Micron accuracy
  • All types of samples or parts
  • All types of materials
Quickly installs on all types of testing machines
X and hourglass
Les applications pour cet outil
Ecole des Mines
This internationally-renowned French laboratory specialising in the mechanics of materials was looking for a versatile(...)
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This national body, which works in the field of materials to standardise and certify products, to prescribe and monitor(...)
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Thin films in laboratory
Axial and transverse elongation and deformation
At the request of a laboratory which has developed recognized expertise in the thermomechanical behavior of thin(...)
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