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Nuclear: test on irradiated metals

Contexte et objectifs
We had a request to carry out closed cell tensile tests on irradiated materials for monitoring tanks in a nuclear environment. The main objective was to have an efficient measurement system allowing implementation in a tele-operated manner
Nuclear: test on irradiated metals
  • Temperature tests – Constraints linked to the thermal enclosure: -150°C and +450°C
  • Conditions of use and handling of the device: The system must be installed using an assembly adapted to the climatic chambers present for each machine
  • Required measurement performance: class 0.5 according to ISO9513 standard
  • Use of measured data transfer of data in real time to the machine control software to allow regulation of the signal measured by the video extensometer
  • Required precision below one micron
To meet this request we installed version FVX02 of VideoTraction which perfectly met all the customer's expectations.
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