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Automotive supplier

Contexte et objectifs
A global supplier of plastics solutions, designing and manufacturing complex components and systems for automotive industry, was looking for a system that would enable them to supplement their knowledge of materials and improve behavioural laws.
Automotive supplier
In order to validate the numerical simulation models, materials laboratory expressed the need to add a precise instrument to its test benches range , enabling it to gain a better understanding of materials and thus better predict the behaviour of designed parts. In order to accurately measure these materials deformations (sample and structure), it needed a non-contact system that would enable it to do so until the sample broke, while avoiding breakage of the extensometer.
Non-contact determination of poisson's ratio and Young's modulus       
Measurement and monitoring of multiple strains (up to 50) at different points on the sample or part.
  • Measurement base L0 ≥ 10 mm for tensile and compression test
  • Configuration on an existing MTS electromechanical traction machine.
  • Measurement range: between 10 mm and 500 mm.
  • Accuracy: class 0.5 (in accordance with ISO 9513).
  • Compatible with sample breakage
  • Acquisition frequency > 50 measurements/s
  • Synchronisation of all machine and extensometer data (force, elongation, displacement/deformation) and real-time sending information to Testworks software that controls machine for calculation of macro-mechanical quantities and curve plotting. 
The FVX axial/transverse and Advanced Custom Strain systems enable these multiple deformations to be measured simultaneously.
Nos produits utiles à cette application
X and hourglass
 The aXial version of FVX products allows non-contact measurement in one direction (axial or transverse) of the (...)
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