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Shear characterization on polymers

Contexte et objectifs
A leading manufacturer of engineering materials and supplier of integrated technical solutions for polyamide 6, keen to maintain a high level of performance from these materials in order to offer innovative solutions to its customers, wanted to add to its test bench facilities to provide accurate, reliable and consistent data to the calculation department and improve behaviour laws.
Shear characterization on polymers
In order to validate numerical simulation models, materials laboratory expressed the need to add to its test benches range a precise instrument that would give a better understanding of materials, and therefore a better prediction of the behaviour of designed parts. To accurately measure deformations of these materials, it needed a non-contact system that measures until sample broke, while avoiding breakage of the extensometer.
Non-contact determination of poisson's ratio and Young's modulus.
Measure and monitor multiple strains (up to 50) at different points on the sample or part.
Understand the deformation mechanisms, track in the three directions x, y and z (measurement in the sample edge).
  • Measurement base L0 ≥ 10 mm for tensile and compression test
  • Configuration on an existing Zwick electromechanical traction machine.
  • Synchronisation of all machine and extensometer data (force, elongation, displacement/deformation) and real-time transmission of the information to  TestXpert software, which controls machine in terms of deformation and calculates macro mechanical quantities.
  • Shear test with deformation control: constant true shear rate
  • Measurement range: between 10 mm and 200 mm.
  • Accuracy: class 0.5 (in accordance with ISO 9513).
  • Compatible with sample breakage
  • Acquisition frequency > 50 measurements/s
We supplied the FVX axial/transverse, dual-camera, shear system (shear cell and software module), with control unit and motorised stand.
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