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Tensile and torsion

The study of the behavior of a material during tensile and simultaneously torsional stress requires measuring the axial strain and torsion angle in order to obtain precise and usable values in establishing the constitutive law.
The Traction/Torsion option of the FVX video extensometer range allows user to obtain these data simultaneously and in real time without contact, with minimal and rapid sample preparation or even without any preparation according to sample natural pattern.
Thanks to a new calculation algorithm which makes cylindrical specimen non-planar nature correction possible,  software provides precise data: axial strain in tensile test and torsion angle.
This information is sent to software which controls machine to record and process synchronized data (e.g. force, torsion angle, axial strain, stress, etc.). User can also save all of this data in FVX software and graphically view real time data evolution. Suitable for all types of materials, whether metallic or polymeric, and for all types of machines, it easily integrates into the existing working environment.
Tensile and torsion
Les applications pour cet outil